
Friends of Stratton has a schedule of volunteer projects for the season. We’ve been planning with our ranger, Andrea, and have a variety of things to do.  Projects are 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon.  Meeting locations vary depending on where we’ll be working. Volunteers should register through the city Cervis link.  We hope you can join us.

Volunteer Projects for 2024:

Sun, June 9 -- Trail Restoration                       register

Close and restore nonsystem (social) trails to reduce erosion and preserve habitat.

Tues, June 25 – Trail Restoration                     register

More nonsystem trail restoration work.

Mon, July 15 – Invasive Weeds                          register

Remove invasive trees that crowd out native vegetation and reduce wildlife habitat.

Tues, Aug 6 – Arroyo Grande Erosion Control   register

Address some badly eroded areas on Arroyo Grande Trail.

Tues, Sept 10 – Trail Maintenance                     register

Basic trail work on trails that need some help.

We hope to see you on a project or two this year.