October 4, 2023
COTrex Map Updated
The Colorado Trails Explorer (COTrex) map of Stratton Open Space has been updated! The trails now match what's on the ground pretty accurately, although the labels on some of the trails and descriptions are still wrong. Still, it's great to have the map up to date, after all the changes in recent years. You can view it in the COTrex app or at
September 5, 2023
Mayor John Suthers' memories of the open space
Former Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers grew up in the neighborhood by what is now the open space, and has written up his memories of those days:
August 22, 2023
New Map!
Colorado Springs' parks department has created a new, up-to-date map of the trails in the open space. See our trails page to view or download the full resolution map.
August 8, 2023
Volunteer workday
Many thanks to the volunteers and staff who worked today to close some rogue trails near the Stratton Preserve trailhead.