Friends of Stratton Open Space


Volunteer organization to support Stratton Open Space, working with Colorado Springs Parks staff.

July 8, 2024

What's that orange flagging tape?

You might have already seen the orange flagging tape on trees and some signs about fire mitigation.  Colorado Springs Fire Dept is planning a fire mitigation project in Stratton Open Space.  To plan and implement the mitigation, they divide areas into units.  The orange flagging tape marks the boundaries of the units.  In the area around Chutes, you might also see blue flagging tape, marking larger trees to remove.  

The main web page for Stratton Open Space on the city web site has a tab, Fire Mitigation Work, that has more information, and should be updated as more information is available.  That web page has a link to slides from a June 26 presentation and a link to a map of the areas planned for mitigation.

CSFD is hiring a contractor for the mitigation work.  Work will start after August 19, to accommodate nesting birds.

May 30, 2024

2024 Volunteer Project Schedule

The schedule for this summer's volunteer projects is up!  You can view it on our Calendar page.

April 10, 2024

South Suburban Reservoir Closed

South Suburban Reservoir in Stratton Open Space, the reservoir that usually allows dogs during the summer, is closed while CS Utilities repairs the dam's outlet.  Trails are still open, but reservoir access is closed.  Repairs are expected to take to the end of this year.

TOSC has a list of dog parks:

Bear Creek dog park has access to the creek for pups.

More information on the reservoir project from CS Utilities:


Facebook: FriendsOfStrattonOpenSpace